Figures suggest that as many as 1 in 6 couples have difficulty in conceiving. The good news is that Acupuncture is proven to assist and increases your chances of conceiving either naturally, or in combination with other forms of fertility treatment such as IUI or IVF. I have treated many couples successfully down through the years helping them to conceive naturally or in tandem with ART (Artificial Reproductive Therapy).
Acupuncture helps increase your chances of conceiving and bringing your pregnancy to full term in several ways:
- Acupuncture is highly effective in regulating your menstrual cycle and resolving menstrual issues.
- It helps to stimulate ovulation.
- It treats many underlying conditions that may contribute to infertility such as polycystic ovaries, endometriosis, amenorrhea (scant or absent periods) and weight gain.
- It reduces the effects of stress which create hormonal disturbances and imbalances which interfere with a man or a woman’s natural rhythms.
In most cases I treat women for fertility issues. There is very little that Acupuncture can achieve in terms of a man’s sperm count or sperm mobility but it does help significantly in cases where male partners are highly stressed and need treatment for these stress related issues. The health of the father to be is always an issue in fertility issues. A consultation with the father to be therefore is something I offer and where appropriate, Acupuncture or Massage treatment, dietary and/or lifestyle changes are advised.
For women who are trying to conceive, a course of treatment that involves Acupuncture and/or massage, lifestyle & dietary advice over several cycles is usual. If treatment is successful, further treatment for the first few months of pregnancy is also the norm. This helps to reduce the risk of miscarriage and increase the chances that you will have a healthy pregnancy that will go to full term.
If you are having difficulty conceiving and would like to find out more please don’t hesitate to call us and make an appointment.
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